
六月演出資訊:We'll Make It Twice This Month

Liquid Punch: 06.12 (六) 新竹搖滾屋 / 06.24 (四) 女巫店

去年我們在河岸 open jam 下台之後,得知獲得正式一個 set 的演出機會,我們借用了某知名汽車廣告的台詞這樣說:「龐奇進階了!」一樣的想法,雖然說起來也不是多麼大不了,不過這次所使用的標題「Make It Twice」,其實就是想告訴大家,這是我們第一次在一個月之內,有兩場演出。尤其是 06.12(六)在新竹搖滾屋的場次,更是我們第一次將在台北以外的地方上台。

請已經認識我們的朋友撥空前來,並且多帶一些新朋友來吧!雖然已經不是新鮮的事情,但我們保證仍然會不厭其煩地,在〈Complete It〉這首歌之前,按照慣例仔細說明這首歌的由來。還有,〈Fake〉吉他手楊正淩會帶拍手,大家要記得一起拍啊,但可以忘了鼓手曾經在這首歌掉棒的這件事。


Since we had our first chance to perform a full set live in RIVERSIDE CAFE last year, we said to each other with the famous line from a car TV ad, " Punch has now advanced." As the same thought as "advanced", although it's not really a big deal, but we still want to tell everyone, it's the first time we'll be on stage twice in a month, the reason why we named it "Make It Twice". Especially, the event on 12th June, is our first time to be on stage out of Taipei.

We hope to meet more new faces, to those we already knew us, it's our pleasure if you would bring as many friends as you can. We'll still make a very clear statement about how we wrote the song 'Complete It', though it's an old story. Remember to follow the beats with our guitarist Yang at the song 'Fake' when he cues, and try not to remember it's also the song once the drummer drop his drumstick.


地點:新竹 Rock House 搖滾屋

21:30~22:10 深層樂團
22:20~23:00 Liquid Punch


Post It to Your Blog!




明信片之拍攝秘辛 (?) by 楊正淩



路人也似乎見怪不怪, 默默的走過去也不會回頭看

其實是怕被怪人攻擊吧? (啥


"燈籠往上一點" "喔"

"手臂彎一點" "喔"

"好就這樣不要動" "喔"


"好~再一張 不要動喔" "喔"


"好 再一張" "..."




"好 再一張" "........"



"阿~我們拍幾張照而已~ 哈哈哈.. 哈哈"



"這邊草有點多, 畫面好綠"



"這燈好有趣 (?"

"這門超酷的 (?"

"看, 路邊流浪漢彈吉他"




要來拿一張回家麼 ?